Welcome to 馃憗馃憗

let'蜔s re台c蜏ap: 谭-蜏 i蛷t汀 虥w蛠as j廷us谈t蜆 me. 挞a抬nd廷 the蜏n t蛠he蜐r挞e汀 蜔w蜑a蜐s虥 檀b蜐il谭li獭on蛠s谭. th檀ey虥're al獭l 廷g廷o蜔ne台 no虥w虝,蜐 a蛷n挞d 潭on台l蛝y 台me 潭and檀 i蛠 r蜏em汀a蛷in蛠.

p蜑ast潭 exper谈ie痰nc蜏e虝s蜆, 獭i蛷m抬p虝ort台a獭n廷t谈 覊n蛝umb潭ers,痰 e蜆t潭c蛠. 谭e蜖tc汀.獭 廷et台c蛠., 虝al谭l蜖 st蛝u蜆ff i do谭n'蜔t檀 c蜔are台 to expl蜖ain蜏 much蜏 a覊b獭o蛝u蜏t, 蜐c蛝a谈n蛷 汀b蜏e蛷 fou蛝n虝d on虥 檀my蜖 蜆i痰n台s蜑t谈ag虥r抬a潭m蜏;蜐m;


to help me get rid of this final me, you must participate in my "trials."

this is your first clue to the first trial;
